Pizza Friday/Spirit Day
The Island School Boca Grande, FL, United StatesPizza is provided free of charge to all students compliments of our PTO. Please remember to send in a snack and a drink with your student. Students are welcome to wear their school spirit t-shirt instead of their regular uniform shirt today.
The Island School Annual $1,000,000 Golf Tournament
Gasparilla Inn Golf Course 500 Palm Ave, Boca Grande, FL, United StatesAll proceeds benefit The Island School, please visit for more information.
Board of Directors Meeting
The Island School Boca Grande, FL, United StatesAll meetings will begin promptly at 3:30 pm.
Presidents Day – No School
The Island School Boca Grande, FL, United StatesPTO Meeting
The Island School Boca Grande, FL, United StatesMeetings are held at the school in Farish Hall beginning at 3:15 p.m. Free aftercare is provided for students whose parents attend the PTO meeting. All are welcome and encouraged to participate.
Pizza Friday/Spirit Day
The Island School Boca Grande, FL, United StatesPizza is provided free of charge to all students compliments of our PTO. Please remember to send in a snack and a drink with your student. Students are welcome to wear their school spirit t-shirt instead of their regular uniform shirt today.
Family Bingo Night
The Island School Boca Grande, FL, United StatesCome join us for our Family Bingo Night! Lots of fun for the whole family, pizza, and refreshments will be provided.
Board of Directors Meeting
The Island School Boca Grande, FL, United StatesAll meetings will begin promptly at 3:30 pm.
Spring Break Week – No School
No school March 17th - March 21st
Pizza Friday/Spirit Day
Multipurpose RoomPizza is provided free of charge to all students compliments of our PTO. Please remember to send in a snack and a drink with your student. Students are welcome to wear their school spirit t-shirt instead of their regular uniform shirt today.